National Park Quiz #7 Answers
Here are the correct answers to the National Park Quiz #7
Q. What geologic formation consists of hundreds of parallel cracks making it one of the most impressive crack climbing areas in North America?
A. The incredible geologic formation that makes up Devils Tower National Monument makes it one of the world's most popular rock climbing destinations. Devils Tower, located in Wyoming, is formed of phonolite porphyry, a rare igneous rock, and is the largest example of columnar jointing in the world. This jointing is responsible for the parallel cracks that we see on the Tower today.
Click here to see the Devils Tower National Monument poster.
Q. What national park unit was established in 1906 to preserve the archeological heritage of the Ancestral Pueblo people?
A. Mesa Verde National Park was established in 1906 to house and protect about 5,000 known archeological sites. The park contains archaeological sites from the Ancestral Pueblo people who had lived in the area for more than 700 years, specifically from 600 to 1300 CE. Mesa Verde National Park is located in Colorado.
Click here to see the Mesa Verde National Park poster.Q. Which national park contains a vast and dramatic landscape with huge mountains, rugged foothills, deep canyons, vast caverns, and the world's largest trees?
A. Sequoia National Park is home to the largest tree in the world, the General Sherman Tree. Also found in the park is the Giant Forest, which contains five of the ten largest trees in the world. Sequoia National Park is located in California.
Click here to see the Sequoia National Park poster.Q. In 1969, which national park was directly impacted by the third largest oil spill to occur in United States territorial waters?
A. On January 28, 1969 an oil rig belonging to Union Oil experienced a large spill 6 miles off the coast of California making it the largest oil spill to occur in United States territorial waters at the time. The spill had a detrimental effect on the native wildlife of Channel Islands National Park, and was the third largest oil spill in the United States after the Deepwater Horizon and the Exxon Valdez oil spills.
Click here to see the Channel Islands National Park poster.Q. Which national park unit contains a historic site first excavated by John Muir in 1905-1906 and in which Muir urged the government to protect and preserve?
A. Conservationist John Muir conducted the first excavations in Petrified Forest National Park in 1905-1906. It was not until later in the 20th century that the sites within the park were professionally excavated by archaeologist Walter Hough. Petrified Forest National Park is located in Arizona.
Click here to see the Petrified Forest National Park poster.
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